About Juuhachi Go

Hey there, everyone!
Welcome to my sitefolio - I'm Juuhachi Go and I've been around a while XD.
I basically read lots of books, write lots of things and web-design. In here I collected all the small websites I still own and my various media accounts on the web, trying to keep it all as simple as possible. Feel free to browse around~. I am planning to turn this small page into something bigger and possibly cozier, so stay tuned ;).



  • What: Book review/Writing blog
  • Since: 2020
  • Language: Italian, al least for now
  • Visit: »

My serious stuff blog, aka the one where I review books, write articles on history, authors I really like and other articles about how writing novels frustrates me and makes me mad XD.

Dusk Shard

  • What: Fanfiction archive
  • Since: Aug. 9th 2004
  • Language: Italian, some English too
  • Visit: »

Dusk is, without a doubt, my precious baby - I have never stopped writing fanfiction, not even when I started feeling the urge to write more seriously. I have written fanfiction for as long as I can remember, and rigorously catalogued them all for twenty years, give or take. Personal archives are indeed out of fashion, considering social media and all that, but I still like the idea of having a small nest of my own where I can post my ramblings and play with the layout on a more personal level. You can also leaf through some of my original short stories in there. Sadly, 98% of it is in Italian, but I did write a bit in English now and then, and plan on writing more in the future.

Poison Walls

  • What: Fandom blog
  • Since: 2020
  • Language: Italian, some English too
  • Visit: »

I am aware that nobody uses Dreamwidth anymore, but I also realise that's a shame, because it's still the perfect place to write comfortably. I recently started using it again because I wanted to have some fun with the few people that still visit Dusk Shard - Poison Walls contains my musings about future fanfictions, small writing contests and prompting games.


  • Layout picture: Ylanite Koppens @ Instagram
  • I am the only one at fault for the contents and the coding of this place XD.